Thursday 16 June 2016

The Boss


Director : Ben Falcone
Year : 2016
Genre : Comedy
Rating : ***


Re-uniting with her 'Tammy' director (and real life husband) Ben Falcone, the ever present Melissa McCarthy once again stars as a loud mouthed maelstrom of uncontrollably sweary energy in 'The Boss', an entertaining yet surprisingly unsubstantial foul-mouthed farce that may not reach the comedic heights of the likes of 'Spy', 'Bridesmaids' and 'The Heat' but still works thanks to the undeniable talent of it's Oscar-nominated leading lady. Starring as Michelle Darnell, an obnoxious business tycoon who must reluctantly reinvent herself as a girl scouts brownies mogul after being jailed for insider trading, McCarthy is given full-rein to be at her most volatile and vulgar best - with many jokes surrounding certain aspects of female anatomy providing 'The Boss' with many of it's more obscene giggles. Complimenting McCarthy's volcanic central performance is a nice supporting supporting turn from 'Frozen's Kristen Bell who is very likable in her role as Darnell's put-upon personal assistant while the terrific Peter Dinklage is a lot of flamboyant fun as one of Darnell's vengeful business associates and former lovers. But it is McCarthy who dominates the film and while it may lack a particularly decent story or memorable characters, it is her formidable comedic powers that elevate 'The Boss' above it's unsurprising and unmemorable misgivings.

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