Thursday 2 April 2015

Get Hard


Director : Etan Cohen 
Year : 2015
Genre : Comedy
Rating : 1/2*

Homophobia, racism and rape jokes abide in 'Get Hard', the deeply unfunny debut from writer-turned-director Etan Cohen. Starring Will Ferrell, Kevin Hart and Craig T. Nelson, the film tells the story of a soon-to-incarcerated millionaire who confides in the help of the only black man he knows to prepare for 10 years of sodomy. What ensues is a near-two hour orgy of jokes about fellatio, the insertion of objects in rectums and to top it all, dozens of dozens of gags (and I use the word quite literally) about sexual assault.

Will Ferrell can be funny at times ('Elf', 'Anchorman') and Kevin Hart is continually proving to be one of the better comedians working in movies today. But thanks to a god-awful script and beyond offensive stereotypical characterizations of both black people and gay people, 'Get Hard' very quickly devolves into the most debase, bottom of the barrel comedy imaginable and, despite my efforts, I could find absolutely nothing to recommend about it. I didn't laugh once during the screening of the film and I had to muster all of my willpower not to walk out and burn the projector showing it in a 'Wicker Man' style sacrifice to the Gods of bad cinema.

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