Friday, 10 March 2017

Fist Fight


Director : Ritchie Keen
Year : 2017
Genre : Comedy
Rating : 1/2*

In the years I have been reviewing films, I've seen a fair number of unfunny comedies but I'm hard pushed to think of one that is as unpleasant, as crass, as stupid and as ear-splittingly annoying as 'Fist Fight'. The screechy and screamy Charlie Day is at his screechy and screamy worst playing a young high school teacher who is challenged to a fight by his psychotically unhinged colleague (Ice Cube). With desperately unlikeable characters all of whom deserved to be socked in the jaw, continuously vulgar comedy that illicits exasperation rather than laughter, a notably cruel mob mentality that delights in the suffering of others and a paper-thin plot that makes little sense the more you think about it, 'Fist Fight' is the comedic equivalent of pointing and giggling at an obscene doodle on a chalkboard. Do yourself a favour - sit this one out and go and see 'Logan' again instead.

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