Saturday, 10 September 2016

Mechanic Resurrection


Director : Dennis Gansel
Year: 2016
Genre : Thriller
Rating : **

Jason Statham in character abselling aside of a building ,holds a gun and wears bulletproof vest ,while above him there is a swimming pool and underneath there are the film's title ,credits and billing.

Does anyone remember the below-average 2011 action bonanza 'The Mechanic'? Nope, me neither but we've still got a totally unnecessary sequel anyway in the form of the stupidly titled 'Mechanic Resurrection'. Jason Statham once again stars as hitman-for-hire and all around badass Arthur Bishop who having narrowly escaped death at the end of the previous movie must now return to his killer profession to save the new love of his life played by a predominantly bikini- clad Jessica Alba. 

Cue a seemingly endless string of repetitive and ridiculously overblown action scenes as Bishop sequentially bumps off a number of dangerous targets - one of which is played by a hilariously goatee'd Tommy Lee Jones! Despite only running for just over a hour and a half, 'Mechanic Resurrection' really does feel a lot longer and while Statham is his usual charismatic and extremely buff self, a lack of motivation and chemistry between its two leads make the film a sometimes arduous and instantly forgettable watch - even if a few choice set pieces, most notably one involving a skyscraper high infinity pool, provide a notable amount of guilty popcorn thrills.

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