Thursday, 16 June 2016

Mother's Day


Director  : Garry Marshall
Year : 2016
Genre : Romantic comedy
Rating : *

With the odious 'Valentines Day' and the execrable 'New Year's Eve', director Gary Marshall has turned some of our beloved holidays into vomit-inducing exercises of banality by getting some of Hollywoods most respected actors to do some of the cringe-making things in their respectable careers without any chance of redemption. Now with 'Mother's Day', Marshall has somehow out done himself and created not only a film that is pathetically simpering and desperately manipulative but also misogynistic, xenophobic and screechingly misjudged. Yet another attempt to cash in on the huge success of Richard Curtis' ensemble Christmas comedy 'Love Actually', 'Mother's Day' rounds up some of the most respected actors and actresses in modern cinema and forces them to do some of the most embarrassing antics seen on a cinema screen this year - from Jennifer Aniston's whiny single mother whose ex-husband has married a much younger woman to Jason Sudeikis' widower desperately trying to re-assimilate to a life without his wife, from Julia Robert's Joker-faced QVC-type presenter desperately trying to flog tacky jewellery to easily-impressed Americans (a 10 minute long supporting role which earned the Academy Award winning actress $3m!) to most horrifically, Kate Hudson having to hide her Indian-born husband from her redneck racist parents - a scenario which brings about the films most shocking line of dialogue, ''I can't believe you married a towel head!'' At 118 minutes, 'Mother's Day' is about 117 minutes too long and while performers such as Sudeikis and Hudson try to make the best of the very bad situation they are in, they can't help but be swamped by a story so devoid of emotion, heart or even entertainment value. Unfunny, unmemorable and unbelievably awful, 'Mother's Day' is one of those gift's that should be immediately taken back to the store and a refund handed over forthwith.

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