Thursday, 29 October 2015

Paranormal Activity : The Ghost Dimension


Director : Gregory Plotkin
Year : 2015
Genre : Horror
Rating : 1/2*

 Paranormal Activity The ghost dimension Poster.jpg

After five movies, the now fruitless yet seasonally obligatory horror franchise drags it sorry behind into the third dimension with 'Paranormal Activity : The Ghost Dimension', the latest, and supposedly last entry in the once inventive series that tries some novel ideas but features the same tired jump scare tactics and beyond idiotic characterisations that have all but killed the found footage sub-genre. Once again starring a bunch of self-obsessed morons who discover a mysterious camera that just happens to uncover a rubbishy CGI spectral mist in their house, 'The Ghost Dimension' may wrap up certain plot threads from the previous five movies but wastes so much time with lingering shots of nothing sprinkled with unbelievably predictable bangs that it quickly becomes an incredibly tedious and annoying viewing experience. There were a number of walk-outs at the less-than-packed screening I attended last Friday and I would be lying if wasn't one of them - yep, 'Paranormal Activity : The Ghost Dimension' is the first movie I have ever walked out of.

In all honesty, I'm getting really tired of writing the same review for nearly every found-footage horror movie released these days. The much maligned sub-genre has proved to be a source of great technical and directorial invention in the recent past with movies such as 'Unfriended' and 'The Bay' so why does every other film of this type have to be so lazily produced and unashamedly uninspired? People around the world are going to pay good money to see this tripe and what they are going to get is an incredibly disappointing and downright infuriating waste of time. Cinema is a tool for entertainment and enlightenment, not a machine used to suck the wallets of audiences bone dry and everyone who was involved in the making of 'Paranormal Activity : The Ghost Dimension' should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.

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