Thursday, 3 September 2015

We Are Your Friends


Director : Max Joseph
Year : 2015
Genre : Drama
Rating : **

 We Are Your Friends.jpg

Easily one of, if not the the most forgettable movie of the Summer, 'We Are Your Friends' is a dull, lifeless and remarkably unremarkable coming-of-age tale from first time director and co-writer Max Joseph. Starring Zac Efron as a talented but luckless DJ, the film tells the very familiar story of an ambitious young hopeful trying to make their way into the cut-throat music industry and, in the process, abandoning his loyal friends, his family and, most importantly, his values along the way. It's basically 'Get On Up' with electronic music in the place of smooth jazz and hard-hitting rhythm and blues - and that's not a particularly good or even welcome concoction. 'American Beauty's Wes Bentley co-stars as a slimy has-been producer determined to claw his way back to the top and he is given an interesting line every so often while the beautiful Emily Ratajkowski of 'Blurred Lines' infamy shines as the sleek and stylish girlfriend who will inevitably catch the young Efron's wandering eye. But despite these little glimmers of hope, 'We Are Your Friends' is no different from the dozens of other movies of this type - following the same beats, utilising the same cliched conventions and bringing absolutely nothing new to the already over-crowded table.

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