This time last year, the world was suddenly united in a state of shock and grief when the completely unexpected news of the tragic suicide of the Academy Award winning and universally beloved actor Robin Williams broke. Even now, I am extremely saddened to think that the man who provided me with some of my most cherished childhood cinematic memories is no longer with us and while his memory and remarkable talent will live on for generations in countless movies and TV shows, his untimely death has left an undeniably large hole in the world of entertainment. However, while we continue to mourn the loss of one of the most adored actors ever to grace the silver screen, I am using this very sad anniversary to remember the 5 performances that made Robin Williams the icon, the treasure and the legend he most certainly was.
5) 'GOOD MORNING VIETNAM' (1987) - No other movie showcased Robin Williams' phenomenal improvisational skills than Barry Levinson's war-set comedy drama 'Good Morning Vietnam' - a film that I don't particularly enjoy but is simply unmissable thanks to his barnstorming central performance. Playing a quick-witted, fast talking DJ who is flown in to brighten up the spirits of the troops, 'Good Morning Vietnam' was the first film to prove to the dismissive critics that Williams couldn't only make people laugh but could also act with as much integrity and heart and the adored stars of old Hollywood.
4) 'ALADDIN' (1992) - While Robin Williams' vocal talents could be heard in many animated films such as 'Robots', 'Fern Gully - The Last Rainforest' and the 'Happy Feet' movies, Walt Disney's masterpiece 'Aladdin' is the one that undoubtedly towers above them all. Voicing the uproarious blue Genie whose extraordinary wit is only matched by his astonishing magical abilities, Williams gave a performance that seemed to transcend the beautiful animation that was accompanying it. Sharp, quick and 90% improvisational, the Genie is one of, if not the funniest characters in the great Walt Disney canon. For many including myself, 'Aladdin' was the film that first introduced us to Robin Williams and for that, we owe it a huge debt of gratitude.
3) 'MRS. DOUBTFIRE' (1993) - Possibly his most beloved creation, Euphegenia Doubtfire is a character who will continue to go down as one of the funniest in all of cinema. As a father who goes to the ultimate extremes to see his beloved children, Williams gives a performance that is hilarious and, at times, heartbreakingly poignant. With some of the most iconic scenes in recent comedy history, 'Mrs. Doubtfire' is the film for which Robin Williams will probably, and should be, best remembered.
2) 'GOOD WILL HUNTING' (1997) - The performance that finally won Williams his coveted and long overdue Oscar, 'Good Will Hunting's Sean Maguire is undoubtedly the most believable role that the great actor ever played. Supporting Matt Damons' titular troubled genius, Williams unique blend of dramatic heft and unequaled comedic timing perfectly brings Damon's and Ben Affleck's Academy Award winning story of a young boy's battle with behavioral issues to life with dignity and grace. Not to mention the funniest improvised scene ever to be put to celluloid.
1) 'ONE HOUR PHOTO' (2002) - It may not be his most commercially successful project but in my opinion, Robin Williams was never better on-screen than when he played the overly-obsessive Sy Parrish in Mark Romanek's masterful chiller 'One Hour Photo'. Starring as a socially awkward photo technician who becomes far too attached to a young family, Williams' considerable emotional range is fully utilised and while his many comedic roles are the ones that people will remember him for, Robin Williams really shined when he was allowed to fully stretch his acting wings and never were they more stretched than 'One Hour Photo'.
Robin Williams may have ultimately lost his life-long battle with depression but others need not suffer in silence. With the help of charities and organisations working all around the world, we can help to combat this most destructive of diseases and give support to those who need it most. To help those in your community, please go to their respective website and give all you can to this most important of causes. Robin Williams was a man who dedicated his life to making people smile. Let us try and do the same for those who can't.
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