Saturday, 24 May 2014

My Top 10 Modern Monster Movies


From Polyphemus to Cerberus, The Loch Ness Monster to Gojira, monsters have been a huge part of our global culture and have formed the backbone of many of our most popular and foreboding tales. Even from the age of the neanderthal, mankind has been terrorised by the idea of beasts and leviathans of the deep rising from the Earth to wipe humanity out and take a hold of this green and pleasant land. 

But while these creatures had been previously confined to pages of mythological books and the word of legend, the invention of the cinema meant that film makers could bring these behemoths of our nightmares onto screens and into our collective psyches with frightening believability. Soon cinemas across the world would be filled with the sight of entire nations crumbling under the might and majesty of a unrelenting creature hell bent on destruction, devastation and death.

With the rise of CGI, these creatures have become that much more realistic to the point that they dominate the box office and break records the world over. Even as I write this, Gareth Edwards' epic 'Godzilla' is smashing it's way into the record books with no end in sight so to celebrate all that is destructive and cataclysmic about the world of the motion picture, here is the countdown of my personal top 10 favourite monster movies made between 1990 and 2014.

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